The following text is the English abstract of: SCHOLZ, Milan: Komparativní přístup v historiografii a transnacionální historická problematika. In: Sociální studia, vol 6, 1/2009, p. 69-87.

The article presents the basic rules of comparative historical approach and tries to offer a view on the relation among the historical comparison, transnational approaches and transnational issues as a matter of research. The level of analysis is theoretical, based on recent methodological discussions concerning comparative approaches and author’s reflections. The first and the second part are descriptive, delimit the nature and the field of comparative historical approach and deal with the theoretical postulates of historical comparison. The third part points out the difference between transnational issues as a matter of research and so called transnational approaches as methodological concepts and indicates its consequences for the comparative history. The last part is reflective and shows the role and the possibilities of comparative historical approach in defining and analyzing transnational issues.