Review article / The text by Milan Scholz (published in Střed/Centre, 1/2023, p. 94-106) deals with the new updated Italian edition of T. G. Masaryk’s book “The New Europe”.…
Milan Scholz’s Book on Masaryk and Dmowski Reviewed in Colloquia Humanistica
Book review and commentary / In December 2021, the Polish multinational English-language periodical Colloquia Humanistica published the book review by Tomáš Masař which deals with my recent volume České a polské hledání identity: myšlení Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka a Romana Dmowského v komparativní perspektivě [Czech and Polish Search for Identity.…
Paradox of Human Being: Human Humanness and Human Animality
Czech and Polish Search for Identity – the book by Milan Scholz was published
The Chest Called History

Essay / The old wooden chest slowly disintegrates under the onslaught of years-lasting activity of the woodworm. One of the hinges of the once well-made lid is torn off, and the other hangs on a completely rusty piece of metal that reveals (only after cleaning the spider’s web on it) that it was once an iron.…