Upcoming book by Milan Scholz (expected to be published first in Czech under the title Komparace, teritoria, identity: příspěvky ke srovnávacímu studiu dějin and subsequently in English version)
The planned book Comparisons, Territories, Identities: Contributions to the Comparative Study of History is based on research in the field of comparative history and comparative approach theory carried out by the author throughout the second decade of the 21st century. In addition to the comparative approach itself, the book depicts mainly such issues as uneven development of regions, countries and macro-regions, comparative history of concepts and ideas, formation of collective identities, centers and peripheries. An important part of the publication consists in reflections on key concepts and crucial interpretations contributing to the understanding of the long-term development of socio-economic and historical processes. Last but not least, the book contains texts based on the lectures the author gave at Charles University in Prague in the first half of the decade within the framework of various courses organized by the Seminar of General and Comparative History. Despite its primarily academic character, the book does not avoid the essayistic way of thinking, hypotheses, formulation of new theories and interpretative frameworks. Thus, it goes beyond the horizon of the purely academic context in which the covered thematic areas were originally born.